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ICPS exists to promote effective policy making and good governance through better interaction between Parliaments, Governments and other stakeholders in society.

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253 Grays Inn Road, London, WC1X 8QT, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 3137 8648

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About Us

The International Centre for Parliamentary Studies (ICPS) primarily focuses on empowering human capital through capacity building and training. As a research institution of the United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN), ICPS offers a range of training programmes, conferences, and policy discussions to address public policy issues globally. The Centre collaborates with international partners like the UNDP and ACEEEO.

ICPS's comprehensive training programmes equip individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills to tackle challenges facing governments and public sectors worldwide. The Centre's training remains relevant and up-to-date, thanks to its research team that constantly develops and updates its programmes. All professional training courses are accredited by The Institute of Leadership and Management (TILM).

In addition to open programmes in London, ICPS can tailor or design customized in-house training to meet an organization's specific needs, which can be conducted at any location worldwide. Participants benefit from networking opportunities and learning from leading international experts and peers, sharing experiences and best practices.

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